Mind Matterz

Where are the 'Mind Gyms'?

  • Ms.Shraddha Sankulkar
  • 26-May-2016

The stress and strain of urban life takes a toll on one's body & mind. These days there are a lot of health conscious people who are seen joining nearby gyms to put the body back into energetic shape.

But, is health consciousness restricted just to the body? What about the mind? These days, there is a drastic rise in various mind related issues in society i.e feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, relationship issues, loss of life purpose, low self-worth and feeling suicidal.

Its high time we train the mind, just like we take efforts to train & discipline the body. For that one may ask, where are the 'mind gyms', that will help us shape our minds? But, hope is around the corner as Shraddha Sankulkar & Fiona Pereira, two Psychologists, have recently set up the 'School of Emotional Intelligence' (SEI) at Gamdevi, Mumbai-7. It is a psychological counselling & mind management training centre where mind related issues of all age groups are addressed through counselling activities & by offering training sessions to individuals & groups.

Understanding the stresses of urban commute, professional e-counselling too is conducted via Skype chat/Face Time, phone chat or Whats App text chat. Children & teenagers are the building block of a healthy society. Problems like Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), academic issues etc. are rising among children these days. Sensing the need of the hour, SEI also offers remedial education and behavioural therapies to children & teenagers facing difficulties in studies or in acquiring certain life skills. Parenting workshops too are conducted as a part of parent education package.

SEI's Founder-Director, Shraddha Sankulkar, has more than 10 years of experience in the mental health sector. Besides offering counselling services, she has designed training modules/courses for layman which deals with Emotions Management, Anger Management, Fear/Anxiety Management, Relationship Management, Loneliness Management, Time Management, Stress Management etc. The courses are available online too.

For more information, visit www.mindmatterz.net She & her team firmly believe that SEI can act as a much needed 'mind gym' for people who value the sanity of mind and who want to pursue a holistic & positive life and thereby live to their fullest.

To avail online & e-counseling sessions via video, phone, email & text, call us or book an appointment in the link given at the top of this webpage.